broiler chicken farming in kenya

Broiler chicken farming in Kenya

In this article, I’ll discuss all there is to know about broiler chicken farming in Kenya.

Why broilers?

Well, these quickly growing chicks are all about the meat. They gain weight swiftly, reaching market size in around 4 to 5 weeks. This means a faster turnaround and more frequent sales than egg-laying hens.

In addition, there is a significant demand for chicken meat in Kenya, which is only expanding. So, the market is good, and the birds grow fast—the perfect combination for any farmer. In this article, I’ll discuss all there is to know about broiler chicken farming in Kenya.

Getting Started with broiler chicken farming in Kenya

Now, let’s talk about growing your broiler enterprise. The first step is to choose your chicks. Purchase them from a reputable hatchery; healthy chicks are vital to success. Look for breeds such as Kenchic Broilers, which are recognized for their swift growth and good feed intake.

Then comes the coop, this is the chicken’s home, so make it pleasant and safe.

Requirements for a coop to be used in broiler chicken farming in Kenya

  • Space: Do not overcrowd! Chicks require space to move around. 
  • Ventilation: Fresh air is important. Make sure your coop has adequate airflow to avoid respiratory diseases. Open windows or vents on opposite sides to allow cross-ventilation. 
  • Temperature: Chicks prefer it warm, especially when they are young. Aim for a temperature of roughly 35°C (95°F) for the first week, then progressively lower it over time. Heat lamps can help keep them warm. 
  • Light: During their first few weeks, chicks require at least 18 hours of light per day. This permits them to acclimate to their new conditions and stimulates growth. Use bulbs or light fixtures to provide appropriate lighting. 
  • Bedding: Cover the coop floor with clean, dry wood shavings or straw. This decreases moisture and keeps the chicks cozy. Change your birds’ bedding on a regular basis to avoid ammonia accumulation, which can make them ill. 
  • Feeders and Waterers: Make sure you have enough clean feeders and waterers for your chicks. Make sure they are conveniently accessible and the proper size for their age. Every day, feed them high-quality broiler feed and fresh water.

Feeding the broiler chicken.

Speaking of feed, this is the fuel that helps your broilers develop large and robust.

Don’t mess up here!

Invest in a high-quality broiler feed that is specifically formulated for their quick growth requirements. It should be high in protein and important elements.

You can also use Azolla as chicken feed.

Buy Azolla in Kenya

Feeding tips for broiler chicken

  • Begin with Chick Starter: For the first several weeks, feed your chicks chick starter crumble. This is finely ground and easy for them to consume.  
  • Transition to Broiler Grower: As they become older (about 3 weeks), switch them to broiler grower mash or pellets. This meal contains the nutrients required for healthy growth. 
  • Chicks have small stomachs; therefore, feed them multiple times per day. This ensures that they get a steady supply of feed and prevents them from growing hungry or fighting.  
  • Feeders should be emptied and cleaned on a daily basis to prevent mold and bacteria growth. This keeps your birds healthy and minimizes their risk of sickness.

Keeping your broiler chicken healthy

Diseases can easily wipe out all your chickens. That’s why biosecurity is vital.

Tips to keep broiler chicken healthy: 

  • Vaccinations: Speak with your local veterinarian about a vaccination schedule for your broilers. This protects them against common poultry ailments, such as Newcastle disease. 
  • Cleaning and disinfecting should be done on a regular basis for your coop, feeders, and waterers. To kill bacteria and viruses, use a disinfectant specifically developed for hens.  
  • Footwear: Reserve specific footwear for usage just in the coop area. This keeps you from bringing in infections from outside.  
  • Rodent Control: Mice and rats can bring diseases, so keep them away from your coop and surrounding area. Set traps or use natural rodent deterrents. 
  • Isolating Sick Birds: If a bird appears to be sick, isolate it right away to prevent disease transmission. Consult a veterinarian regarding diagnosis and treatment.

After about 4 to 5 weeks, your broilers should be ready to harvest, weighing between 1.5 and 3 kilograms, depending on market preferences.

The market available for broiler chicken  

Now comes the exciting part: selling your hens!

In Kenya, there are numerous market opportunities available: 

  • Local markets because Kenyans like to purchase fresh, entire chickens. You can sell your birds directly to consumers at outdoor markets or butcher shops.  
  • Larger supermarkets may be interested in obtaining your broilers if you meet their quality and quantity standards. 
  • Processing facilities can buy your chickens in bulk and chop them into different portions, such as breasts, thighs, and wings. This can be an excellent alternative if you have a large flock.

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Demi Farms
Demi Farms

Demi Agritourism Farm is an agribusiness company registered in Kenya in 2020 having its prime office address at Karen Village along Ngong road and a farm at Kibiku, Ngong

Our Mission is to empower farmers produce quality agricultural products using improved production, value addition and marketing innovations for multiple benefits.

And our Vision is to become a leading investor in the agriculture sector by forming beneficial and profitable partnerships with smallholder farmers and other key stakeholders in Kenya.

We focus on urban farming technologies, farm tours and new farming trends. At our demo farm, we have a variety of urban farming setup such as mushrooms, red worms, Black soldier flies, Crickets, Ornamental birds, Azolla, berries, indigenous vegetables & more always in progress.

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