Common Chicken Diseases in Kenya [and their Control]

 Common Chicken Diseases in Kenya [and their Control]

It’s important for chicken farmers to know which diseases are most common and how to control them in their birds accordingly. This post will examine some of the most common chicken diseases in Kenya and offer control advice.

Common chicken diseases in Kenya

1. Newcastle Disease

Newcastle disease is one of the most frequent and economically significant viral illnesses affecting poultry around the world, including Kenya. It causes significant mortality rates in infected chickens and is highly infectious. It affects almost all chicken breeds.

Symptoms of Newcastle disease include:

diarrhea, respiratory pain, and neurological indications.

How to control Newcastle disease

a) Vaccination: To avoid infections, it is imperative to vaccinate your chickens against Newcastle disease. Talk to your veterinarian about developing a vaccination schedule for your flock.

b) Biosecurity Measures: To prevent the arrival and spread of Newcastle disease on your farm, implement biosecurity measures. This includes limiting visitor numbers, cleaning instruments, and putting new birds in quarantine.

2. Colon infection, bronchitis

Chickens in Kenya also have infectious asthma, which is caused by a virus. It affects the respiratory system, resulting in coughs, sneezes, and stuffy noses. Here’s how to deal with contagious bronchitis in your flock.

To prevent the spread of viral bronchitis, make sure your chicken coop is properly aired. Good ventilation prevents pathogens in the air from accumulating.

3. Coccidiosis:

Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease. It can cause intestinal damage in hens, resulting in symptoms like bloody diarrhea, weight loss, and reduced egg production. Here are some treatment options for coccidiosis:

To keep your chicken coop clean, clean and disinfect the grounds on a regular basis. This can help limit chickens’ exposure to coccidia oocysts. To prevent coccidiosis, include coccidiostats in your chicken feed. These medications can assist in controlling the growth and spread of coccidia in your flock.

3. Avian Influenza

Avian influenza, also referred to as bird flu, is a viral disease that can afflict hens, leading to severe illness and large fatality rates. It is zoonotic, meaning it can be passed from birds to people.

Avian influenza can be controlled by:

Implement stringent biosecurity policies on your farm to avoid the entry and spread of avian influenza. This includes controlling access to your poultry farm and disinfecting all equipment.

Participate in national surveillance programs for avian influenza to identify and report any suspicious cases promptly. Early detection is important in reducing the spread of the disease.

4. Fowl Pox

Fowl pox is a viral disease that affects chickens and is marked by the formation of scabby sores on the skin and mucous membranes. It is spread through mosquito bites and direct contact with infected birds.

Here are some management methods for fowl pox:

Vaccination: Vaccinate your chickens against fowl pox to prevent the sickness. Vaccination can help minimize the severity of illness and avoid its future spread throughout your flock.

Mosquito Control: Implement mosquito control methods on your farm to reduce the risk of fowl pox transmission. This includes removing standing water and using insect repellents.

Control Measures for common chicken diseases in Kenya

It is always better to prevent than to cure. Implement the following strategies to reduce the risk of sickness outbreaks in your flock:

  • Regularly disinfect the chicken coop, feeders, waterers, and equipment with a poultry-safe disinfectant.
  • Designate footwear for use only in the chicken area to avoid bringing in illnesses from elsewhere.
  • Keep visitors in the coop area and ensure they follow biosecurity protocols (for example, wear clean footwear).
  • Control rodents and other pests that can spread disease.
  • Vaccinate your chicks and breeding stock according to the specified schedule. Consult your veterinarian or agricultural extension officer for a vaccination program based on your location and common diseases.
  • Keep the coop clean by regularly removing droppings and filthy litter.
  • Provide clean, dry bedding to absorb moisture and prevent the production of ammonia.
  • Waterers and feeders should be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis to prevent contamination.
  • Avoid overcrowding in the coop, as it can cause stress and make birds more susceptible to disease.
  • Make sure the coop is secure to protect your chickens from predators, which can cause stress.
  • Avoid abrupt changes in habit or environment, as these can stress your birds.
  • Regularly check your chickens for signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, unusual droppings, or respiratory problems.
  • Early detection and action are crucial for effective disease management and loss reduction.

What to do in the event of a disease outbreak

  • Isolate any sick birds quickly to prevent them from spreading to the rest of the population.
  • Contact a veterinarian as soon as possible for a diagnosis and treatment choices.
  • To prevent the pathogen from spreading further, adopt strong biosecurity measures. This could involve fully sanitizing the coop, limiting access to the coop area, and changing clothes and footwear before entering the coop.
  • Report likely outbreaks of notifiable diseases, such as Newcastle disease.


This article has examined the common chicken diseases in Kenya and offers insights on their management approaches. You can protect your hens from common infections and maintain their health by following the advised protocols for disease prevention and control. Whenever you have any worries or inquiries about the well-being of your flock, you should consult a veterinarian for expert advice. Happy agribusiness!

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Demi Farms
Demi Farms

Demi Agritourism Farm is an agribusiness company registered in Kenya in 2020 having its prime office address at Karen Village along Ngong road and a farm at Kibiku, Ngong

Our Mission is to empower farmers produce quality agricultural products using improved production, value addition and marketing innovations for multiple benefits.

And our Vision is to become a leading investor in the agriculture sector by forming beneficial and profitable partnerships with smallholder farmers and other key stakeholders in Kenya.

We focus on urban farming technologies, farm tours and new farming trends. At our demo farm, we have a variety of urban farming setup such as mushrooms, red worms, Black soldier flies, Crickets, Ornamental birds, Azolla, berries, indigenous vegetables & more always in progress.

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